Cost Share

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Cost sharing (also commonly called matching funds) refers to the resources contributed or allocated by SIUC to an externally funded sponsored project, over and above the support provided by that sponsor. SIUC shares the cost of these projects in order to support and enhance its institutional research mission.


Excess cost sharing (i.e. cost sharing above the amount required by the sponsoring agency) is prohibited, except in specific circumstance where such excess cost sharing can be justified.



Cost Share Request Form: This form must be completed* (with signatures) and submitted to OSPA for review and approval in all instances where cost share is included in a proposal.

In cases where cost share is requested from the Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) or there is a voluntary or excess cost share request, these requests must be entered in the Cost Share Request Form as appropriate and submitted to OSPA along with your budget. OSPA will route it to the VCR for consideration.

*This form is not necessary if cost share is required by the sponsor and is comprised solely of faculty effort and associated fringe/F&A costs.


Cost sharing represents real costs to the University.

  • Cost sharing represents a redirection of departmental and college resources from teaching or other departmental activities to support sponsored projects. The PI, school director, college dean and other administrators should carefully weigh the cost-effectiveness and the expected benefits of every proposal for cost sharing prior to making the commitment. They also must be careful that effort committed does not exceed that allowed by the faculty or staff member's appointment.
  • The more dollars expended by SIUC in cost sharing, the fewer dollars come back to campus as F&A (indirect cost) returns for internal redistribution as faculty seed grants, travel support and other research support.
  • Excessive cost sharing negatively impacts our Facilities and Administrative cost rate calculation.
  • If cost-sharing commitments are not met, a portion of the grant funds may have to be returned to the sponsor.
  • The tracking, reporting and certifying of cost sharing are subject to audit.
  • In the case of volunteer labor, it is important to document the time spent and account for it at a reasonable rate consistent with rates paid for similar work.
  • In the case of donated property, the value shall be determined in accordance with the usual accounting policies of the university.
  • PI, school director and college dean must ensure that effort committed to funded projects does not exceed that allowed by the faculty or staff member's appointment.
  • Unrecovered F&A (indirect) costs may be included as part of cost sharing only with the prior written approval of the federal awarding agency.
  • Identifying and providing resources for cost sharing of direct costs (including equipment) is always the responsibility of the PI

Types of Cost Sharing




  • University contribution that is required by the sponsoring agency as a condition of the award
  • Must be included in the proposal and in the approved OSPA budget
  • Must be tracked and reported
  • Must be verifiable from the university's financial records
  • Must be related to program objectives (i.e., necessary and reasonable for proper and efficient accomplishment of the project, and incurred during the award term)
  • Must be allowable under the applicable cost principles (Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200)
  • Cannot be paid from or charged to another federally assisted project or program (unless specifically allowed)
  • Cannot be includable within the university's indirect cost rates (e.g., administrative support salary)


  • University contribution that is not required and that the university contributes at its own initiative
  • If included in the proposal, it becomes a binding commitment that must be documented and reported