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Current SIUC Employees

Check with your OSPA Research Project Specialist for current monthly salary information for any participating SIUC employee.

Graduate Assistantship Stipends

Rates for GA stipends can be found below. The established rates are minimums and apply to all units, individual faculty or units are permitted to use a higher rate. 

The standard graduate assistantship is one-half time (50%).OSPA budget spreadsheets should be set up to use the full-time (100%) rate at half-time (50% or 0.5) effort.

GA Rates


Master’s (100%)

PhD (50%)






Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral Fellows are contracted through the Graduate School. Effective March 1, 2016, the salary rates for Fellows will vary depending on the level agreed upon by the unit and the post-doctoral fellow, but at no less than the federal or state minimum wage, whichever is higher. The current fringe benefit rate to be applied to a Fellow position is listed in the Fringe Benefit Rate schedule below.

Please make sure when hiring post-docs, to follow the guidelines listed on the Graduate School website and to use the updated Notice of Appointment and Change of Assignment forms.

Fringe Benefit Rates

Fringe benefits must be budgeted in grants for all SIU personnel who have salary being charged to the grant. Standard fringe benefits are not budgeted for graduate assistants or student workers (see below).

The University's fringe benefit rates for sponsored projects are negotiated annually with our cognizant federal agency, the Department of Health and Human Services.  The approved rates are appended to the University's F&A Rate agreement located here.

Fringe Benefit Rates
Type Rate
Personnel (FY23) 48.4%
Personnel (FY24) 48.4%1
Personnel (FY25 - proposal budgets with any budget period extending beyond 6/30/2024) 53%1
Retired/Emeritus 1.5%
Extra Help 7.7%
Post-Docs 37.5%
Graduate Students 50% of Primary Care Fee. See rates below.
Undergraduate Students none

1  FY24 and FY25 rates have been submitted to the federal government for approval.  Rates beyond June 30, 2024, are estimates and are provided for planning purposes only.  Future rates are subject to change.


Student Medical Benefit Fee (SMB)

When including a GA in your proposal budget, Principal Investigators/Project Directors are required to budget for the appropriate SMB fee for each semester the GA will be employed by the project. For budgeting purposes, the SMB cannot be prorated for a GA working a partial semester on the project.

PIs/PDs should budget the following semester rates (no fee for summer):

        Fall            $219

        Spring       $219

Graduate Student Tuition  

Proposals that include salary support for graduate students may also include tuition if allowable by the sponsor. Tuition information and rates can be found here. A 3% increase should be budgeted for tuition included in future periods. Tuition costs charged directly to a sponsored project are not subject to indirect costs (F&A).

Indirect Cost Rates

Indirect Cost Rates
Type of Project On-Campus Project Rate Off-Campus Project Rate

47.5% (7/1/2020 - 6/30/2023)

48.5% (7/1/2023 - 6/30/2025)

Training/Instruction 40.4% 26%
Other Sponsored Activities 31% 26%

The current Indirect Cost Rate Agreement can be found here.