Last Updated: Dec 03, 2024, 04:05 PM
NIH Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPR)
RPPR Submission Checklist:
- Submit RPPR data through the eRA Commons. The links for each type of RPPR are accessed through the Commons Status tab.
- Only the project director/principal investigator (PD/PI) or their PD/PI delegate can initiate RPPRs. For multi-PD/PI grants only the contact PI or the contact PD/PI’s delegate can initiate the RPPR.
- Only the signing official can submit the RPPR. Contact to coordinate the review and timely submission of the RPPR.
- Follow the instructions in the RPPR User Guide to submit the RPPR, Interim RPPR or Final RPPR. The User Guide includes instructions for how to submit your RPPRs in the eRA Commons, how to complete the web-based forms and what information is required.
- Sections of the report include accomplishments, products, participants, impact, changes, budget and outcomes.
Areas to Pay Particular Attention to:
In Section B: Accomplishments
- 1.a. Have the major goals changed since the initial competing award or previous report?
- If the answer is “yes” verify that the written approval was obtained from the awarding agency grants official and that the approval has been submitted to OSPA for the official grant record.
In Section D: Participants
- Provide or update the information for (1) program director(s)/principal investigator(s) (PDs/PIs); and (2) each person who has worked at least a person month per year on the project during the reporting period, regardless of the source of compensation (a person month equals approximately 160 hours or 8.3% of annualized effort).
- A Commons ID is also required for all individuals with a postdoctoral, graduate or undergraduate role (NOT-OD-13-097).
- Review the effort for all key personnel named on the Notice of Award (NOA).
- If the effort was reduced by 25% or more, verify this reduction was approved by the awarding agency (either as a prior approval request or as part of the RPPR from the previous year).
- 2.c. Changes in Other Support
- Has there been a change in the active support of senior/key personnel since the last reporting period?
- If yes, upload other support document for each senior/key personnel whose support has changed.
- 2.e. Request to change from a multiple principal investigator (MPI) to a single PI or from a single PI to MPI (if requesting).
- Not included in the RPPR as it must be submitted separately as a prior approval request.
- Has there been a change in the active support of senior/key personnel since the last reporting period?
In Section G: Special Reporting Requirements
- 9 All foreign components are included.
- If there is evidence of a foreign component, ensure that export control review was conducted by the Office of Export Controls and communicated to OSPA. If not previously conducted in the original application or previous progress report, ensure that a review is done and the Office of Export Controls has approved and communicated to OSPA.
- 10 Estimated unobligated balance.
- If estimated unobligated balance is greater than 25% of the current year’s total approved budget, an explanation for the unobligated balance is required.
The RPPR is used by recipients to submit progress reports to NIH on their grant awards.
For complete guidance on RPPRs, visit